Admin and Manager users can add Leads to the Lead Pool manually by selecting the lead they need to add, and clicking on the blue ‘Move To Lead Pool’ button on the top right of the lead.
Alternatively it is also possible to automate the addition of leads to the Lead Pool. This can be achieved using Automations, as illustrated in the example below.
Scenario: Your company requires all leads that have had no progress for two days to be added to the Lead Pool, so that other agents can accept and work on them, making the lead conversion process more efficient.
Setup: First, ensure all the required settings are enabled. In this case, Lead Pool and Lead Pool for Agents should both be enabled.
Now, an automation needs to be created from Admin -> Automations. Navigate to the Advanced Automations tab to get started.
Click on ‘New Automation’ and follow the below steps to configure the automation:
1. Set a simple, self explanatory name for the new rule, e.g. ‘Move leads not updated for 2 days to Lead Pool’
2. Select ‘Leads’ as the module
3. Set Status to ‘Active’ so that the automation starts working once you save it
4. Set the trigger to ‘is not Updated’ and trigger timing to 2 days
5. Set the field to ‘Sub Status’, operator to ‘Contains’ and value to ‘Not yet contacted’ - this will ensure that all leads whose Sub Status has not been updated from ‘Not yet contacted’ for two days, will trigger the automation
6. Select the action timing as ‘Immediately’
7. Set Action 1 to ‘Update Record’
8. Set field as ‘Lead Pool’, and change to as ‘Yes’
Please double check your rules before activating them. Once you’re sure about the rules, click Save Automation, and it is now in effect!