As a Property Management Company it is very important to manage the time by spending less time figuring out when is the next upcoming Work order schedule. Our PropSpace Property Management Software allows to set Reminder emails where-in a reminder email would be sent just before the number of days you want to receive an email in advance for any work order.
Lets take an example of a Tenant who had requested for painting of his apartment and as a PM company you would want to send a reminder to the Tenant and the Vendor a day before the scheduled date of the work order. This can be achieved by the following steps.
1. On Work Orders screen, on the extreme right, select the option "Reminders"
2. Select the button "New Reminder" and then select the options and set the reminder accordingly as required.
3. Make sure that the status is "Active" and then "Save" the reminder.
From the above steps, a reminder email will be sent a day prior the Work Order Start date to all the selected recipients. The content of the email will have the information entered on the work order.
To know how to create a Work Order, follow the link New Work Order