Two-factor authentication is a security process where the user provides two forms of ID to login to PropSpace. The Google Authenticator app generates a unique code every 30 seconds, ensuring the highest level of web security for your PropSpace account. Once enabled and set up, you will be asked for the unique code each time you log in or download any data from PropSpace.
Please follow the below steps to enable the Google Authenticator:
1. Go to Admin > Users screen.
2. Select your own record and click on the Edit button.
3. You can check the status of your Google Authenticator under the two-step verification section. You can only view and change your own account's two-step verification settings.
4. Enable the setting. A pop-up window provides you with on-screen instructions to download Google Authenticator from the App Store or Google Play Store. Click Next to continue.
4. Once the app has downloaded in your mobile device, open the app and press the '+' icon
5. Use your mobile device to scan the barcode displayed in PropSpace. This will give you a 6-digit code that changes every 30 seconds. Verify your account by entering the code into the provided text box.
You can now use the 6-digit code that is displayed on your device to log into PropSpace, or if you need to download data from your account.