Properties for rent and sale are managed separately under the Rental Listings and Sales Listings screens respectively.
To add a listing, navigate to the required screen (Sales or Rentals) from the top menu bar, and then do the following steps:
1. Click on the Add New button in the top form's action bar.
2. Populate the form with the details of the property. Fields highlighted in red are mandatory fields required to be populated before saving the record.
3. Select the status of the property:
a. Published: indicates the listing is available and is online on the selected portals.
b. Unpublished: indicates the listing is no longer available, and is not pushed to any portal.
c. Draft: saves the listing as a draft state to be able to edit at a later stage.
d. Pending Approval: sets the listing in queue to be proofed and approved by a manager or an admin before it can go live.
3. Once the information has been filled in, click on the Save button. You can always edit the record later.