Manage your listings effortlessly on PF Expert. Learn how to add, edit, filter, and track your listings, find drafts, and more.
Whether you're new to the platform or looking to enhance your workflow, this article covers everything you need to navigate your Listings Management Page effectively. From quick tips to frequently asked questions.
What is covered?
- Where can I find my listings on PF Expert?
- How to add a new listing?
- How to filter my listings?
- Where can I find my drafts?
- How to delete a listing?
- How to edit a listing?
- Where is the listing action tracker?
- Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find my listings on PF Expert?
You can access the listings available to you by clicking on Listings > Listings Management in the PF Expert side menu
How to add a new listing?
In the Properties Page, click the + List New Property button on the top right of the properties table.
Check the article on Adding or Editing a Property for more details.
How to filter my listings?
Clicking the All Filters button on the Listings Management page enables you to quickly find a particular listing instead of scrolling through the listings published on your PF Expert.
You can filter your listings by;
- Reference Number
- Property Category (Commercial or Residential)
- Offering Type (Rent or Sale)
- Property Type (Apartment, Villa, etc.)
- Expiry Date (When will the listing require more credits to stay online)
- Agents (The agent assigned to the listing)
- Furnishing (Fully Furnished, Semi-Furnished, or Not Furnished)
Where can I find my drafts?
Your drafts can be found by toggling the Drafts button that can be found on the top right of the listing management page right below the Add New Listing button
How to delete a listing?
You can delete an online or draft listing by clicking on the 3 dots at the top of the listing's card, then choosing delete.
How to edit a listing?
You can edit a listing by clicking on the listing's card, then clicking on the Edit button on the right hand sidebar that will appear for you.
You can unpublish or upgrade a listing from the same menu as well.
In the right side bar, you can also view the listings' individual insights and leads information.
Where is the listing action tracker?
Any listing that requires your action can be found by clicking on the "Pending Actions" button at the top left of the Listings Management page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Once you’ve made changes, updates will be processed and live within 30 minutes.
Locating your drafts is simple:
- Go to the Listings Management Page.
- At the top of the page, you’ll find a Drafts toggle.
- Switch the toggle to “Drafts” to view all your saved drafts. This will replace your online listings with your drafted ones.
- To return to your live listings, simply toggle back to the “Online Listings” view.
To ensure the highest quality and authenticity, we’ve moved away from allowing listing duplication. We believe every property deserves a unique and tailored listing that highlights its individuality.
Even when units are similar, each property has distinct features that can be showcased to appeal to potential clients
Editing your listings is quick and easy:
- Locate the listing you want to update on the Listings Management Page
- Click on the listing, and a sidebar will appear.
- Scroll to the bottom of the sidebar and click the “Edit” button.
We’ve introduced new filters to make finding and managing your listings easier than ever.
Yes! The platform now shows the renewal date for your listings.